協会会誌 「不滅の言葉 」1995年(36巻)
目 次
Pearl of Wisdomラージャ・ヨーガ(14)−スワミ・ヴィヴェーカーナンダ
Raja Yoga (14).....Swami Vivekananda
(Taken from "The Complete Works of Swami Vivekananda", through kind courtesy:Advaita Ashrama, Mayavati, India)スワミ・ヴィヴェーカーナンダの書簡(2)
A Letter of Swami Vivekananda(2)
(Taken from "The Complete Works of Swami Vivekananda", through kind courtesy; Advaita Ashrama, Mayavati, India)スワミ・アドブターナンダ:その教えと回想(1)
Swami Adbhutananda: Teachings and Reminiscences(1)
......Swami Chetanananda
( Through kind courtesy; Vedanta Society of St. Louis, U.S.A.)黄金の三週間――私のインド巡礼(1)―石井 美智子
Three Golden Weeks: My pilgrimage to India(1)
......Michiko Ishiiベルル僧院での、しあわせな日々―川井 弘子
Happy days in Belur Math......Hiroko Kawai忘れられない物語―「信心ぶかい」金細工師の店
The Story Unforgettable "A 'Pious' Goldsmith's Store"
(Taken from " The Gospel of Sri Ramakrishna", through kind courtesy : Sri Ramakrishna Math, Madras, India)編集後記
Editor's Reports and Comments
Pearl of Wisdomラージャ・ヨーガ(15)−スワミ・ヴィヴェーカーナンダ
Raja Yoga (15).....Swami Vivekananda
(Taken from "The Complete Works of Swami Vivekananda", through kind courtesy:Advaita Ashrama, Mayavati, India)神のさとり(7)―スワミ・ブテシャナーナンダ
God Realization..........Swami Bhuteshananda
(Taken from "Thoughts on Spiritual Life", through kind courtesy:Advaita Ashrama, Mayavati, India)ホーリーマザー生誕記念日祝賀会(1)―スワミ・メダサーナンダ
Sri Sarada Devi : the Holy Mother(1).........Swami Medhasananda
(Class talk given on the birthday of the Holy Mother Sri Sarada Devi in the Kyokai on 15.1.95スワミ・アドブターナンダ:その教えと回想(2)
Swami Adbhutananda: Teachings and Reminiscences (2)
......Swami Chetanananda
( Through kind courtesy; Vedanta Society of St. Louis, U.S.A.)黄金の三週間――私のインド巡礼(2)―石井 美智子
Three Golden Weeks: My pilgrimage to India(2)
......Michiko Ishii忘れられない物語―三人の盗賊
The Story Unforgettable "Three robbers"
(Taken from " The Gospel of Sri Ramakrishna", through kind courtesy : Sri Ramakrishna Math, Madras, India)編集後記
Editor's Reports and Comments
Pearl of Wisdomラージャ・ヨーガ(16)−スワミ・ヴィヴェーカーナンダ
Raja Yoga (16).....Swami Vivekananda
(Taken from "The Complete Works of Swami Vivekananda", through kind courtesy:Advaita Ashrama, Mayavati, India)スワミ・ヴィヴェーカナンダの手紙(3)―スワミ・ヴィヴェーカーナンダ
A Letter of Swami Vivekananda(3)..........Swami Vivekananda (Taken from"The Complete Works of S.V."; through kind courtesy:Advaita Ashrama,Mayavati,India)ホーリーマザー生誕記念日祝賀会(2)―スワミ・メダサーナンダ
Sri Sarada Devi : the Holy Mother(2).........Swami Medhasananda (Class talk given in the birthday celebration of the Holy Mother Sri Sarada Devi in the Kyokai on 15.1.95)スワミ・アドブターナンダ:その教えと回想(3)
Swami Adbhutananda: Teachings and Reminiscences (3)
......Swami Chetanananda
( Through kind courtesy; Vedanta Society of St. Louis, U.S.A.)十二年ぶりに―スワミ・シャマーナンダ
After Twelve Years.........Swami Shamananda
(Class Talk given in the birthday celebration of Sri Ramakrishna in the Kyokai on 19.3.95)黄金の三週間――私のインド巡礼(3)―石井 美智子
Three Golden Weeks: My pilgrimage to India(3)
......Michiko Ishii忘れられない物語―師と弟子
The Story Unforgettable "The Guru and disciple"
(Taken from " The Gospel of Sri Ramakrishna", through kind courtesy : Sri Ramakrishna Math, Madras, India)編集後記
Editor's Reports and Comments
Pearl of Wisdomメッセージ ― スワミ・ブテシャーナンダ
ラーマクリシュナ・ミッションおよびラーマクリシュナ・マートの僧院長Message - Swami Bhuteshananda
President, Ramakrishna Math and Ramakrishna Missionメッセージ ― クルディップ・サーデブ
Message - Mr.Kuldip Sahdev
Ambassador of India挨拶 ― 中村 元
Message - Prof.Hajime Nakamura
A renowned Indologist多くの信仰があるから多くの道がある ― シュリ・ラーマクリシュナ
As Many Faiths so Many Paths..........Sri Ramakrishna普遍宗教 ― スワミ・ヴィヴェーカーナンダ
The Universal Religion..........Swami Vivekanandaシュリ・ラーマクリシュナが異なる宗教を実践されたことの意義
― スワミ・ティヤガーナンダ
Sri Ramakrishna's Practice of Different Religions and and its Import
..........Swami Tyagananda
Editor, Vedanta Kesari, Madras, Indiaスワミ・ヴィヴェーカーナンダと諸宗教の調和
― スワミ・ハルシャーナンダ
Swami Vivekananda and Harmony of Religions
..........Swami Harshananda
President, Ramakrishna Math, Bangalore, India宗教の調和、ヒンドゥの見解 ― スワミ・ロケーシュワラーナンダ
Religious Harmony : The Hindu Perspective
..........Swami Lokeswarananda
Secretary , Ramakrishna Mission Institute of Culture, Calcutta, India現代世界に平和と調和を実現するためのキリスト教の役割
― シリル・ヴェリアット S.J.上智大学教授
Christianity and the Modern World.........Prof. Cyril Veliath
Sophia Universityセミナー「諸宗教のハーモニーと現代社会」の開催にあたって
― 中村元 東方学院院長
A Thought on Harmony of Religions and the Modern World
Prof.Hajime Nakamura, A renowned Indologistラージャ・ヨーガ(17)−スワミ・ヴィヴェーカーナンダ
Raja Yoga (17).....Swami Vivekananda
(Taken from "The Complete Works of Swami Vivekananda", through kind courtesy:Advaita Ashrama, Mayavati, India)スワミ・ヴィヴェーカーナンダの霊的経験
― スワミ・メダサーナンダ、日本ヴェーダーンタ協会の長
Spiritual Experiences of Swami Vivekananda
.........Swami Medhasananda, President, Nippon Vedanta Kyokaiヴィヴェーカーナンダの最後の日 ― スワミ・チェタナーナンダ
The Last day of Swami Vivekananda......Swami Chetanananda
Minister in - Charge, Vedanta Society of St. Louis, U.S.Aスワミ・アドブターナンダ:その教えと回想(4)
Swami Adbhutananda: Teachings and Reminiscences (4)
......Swami Chetanananda
( Through kind courtesy; Vedanta Society of St. Louis, U.S.A.)忘れられない物語 ― 完全にめざめた魂
The Stories Unforgettable "Fully awakened souls"
(Taken from " The Gospel of Sri Ramakrishna", through kind courtesy : Sri Ramakrishna Math, Madras, India)編集後記
Editor's Reports and Comments感謝の言葉
Pearl of Wisdomラージャ・ヨーガ(18)−スワミ・ヴィヴェーカーナンダ
Raja Yoga (18).....Swami Vivekananda
(Taken from "The Complete Works of Swami Vivekananda", through kind courtesy:Advaita Ashrama, Mayavati, India)神の名の力(1)―スワミ・ヤティシュワラーナンダ
The Power of the Divine Name(1)..........Swami Yatiswarananda (Taken from his book "Meditation and Spiritual Life"; through kind courtesy:Ramakrishna Ashrama, Bangalore, India)私の考え−小薗井 正信
My Idea - Masanobu Osonoi宗教の調和と今日の世界−神道の観点から−奈良 毅
Harmony of Religions and Modern World - from the Standpoint of Shintoism - Tsuyosi Nara「スワミ・ヴィヴェーカーナンダ生誕祝賀会」報告
Public Celebration of 133rd Birth Anniversary of Swami Vivekananda in Tokyo - A Report
Peace and Harmony in the Modern World : The Role of Islam
- Professor Hossainur Rahaman, Calcutta, India忘れられない物語―三匹の魚
The Stories Unforgettable-The Three Fish編集後記
Editor's Reports and Comments
Pearl of Wisdomラージャ・ヨーガ(19)−スワミ・ヴィヴェーカーナンダ
Raja Yoga (19).....Swami Vivekananda (Taken from "The Complete Works of Swami Vivekananda", through kind courtesy:Advaita Ashrama, Mayavati, India)神の名の力(2)
The Power of the Divine Name(2).....Swami Yatiswarananda
(Taken from his book "Meditation and Spiritual Life"; through kind courtesy:Ramakrishna Ashrama, Bangalore, India)バクティ・ヨーガ
― スワミ・メダサーナンダ
Bhakti Yoga.....Class Talks by Swami Medhasanandaスワミ・アドブターナンダ:その教えと回想(5)
スワミ・チェタナーナンダ (セントルイスのセンターの長)
Swami Adbhutananda: Teachings and Reminiscences(5)
.....Swami Chetanananda
(Through kind courtesy; Vedanta Society of St. Louis, U. S. A.)忘れられない物語―海と河
The Stories Unforgettable-The Ocean and The Rivers編集後記
Editor's Reports and Comments