日 時: 2001年6月3日(日)午後2時−5時半
場 所: 豊島公会堂

歓迎の挨拶: シリル・ヴェリエット教授
スピーチ: 主題「現代社会における最も大切な価値は何か?」
スピーカー: 前田専學教授、東京大学名誉教授、東方研究会常務理事
定期刊行物「不滅の言葉」特集号リリースとスピーチ: アフタブ・セト閣下、インド大使
司 会: 松井 ケティ教授、立堀 尚子
真言宗豊山派仏教青年会による聲 明、リーダー 斉藤 説成
上智聖歌隊による聖歌、リーダー 大森 万智子、指揮者 松本 活也
展示物: ヒンドゥイズム・ラーマクリシュナ・ヴィヴェーカーナンダに関する日・英両語による書籍、
入場料: 無料 


Date: Sunday, June 3, 2001. 2 p.m.- 5:30 p.m.
Venue: Toshima-Kohkaido
1-19-1 Higashi-Ikebukuro, Toshima-ku, Tokyo
Phone: (03) 3981-1009

Welcome address: Prof. Cyril Veliath
Speech: Importance of Values in the Modern Society
Speaker: Prof. Sengaku Mayeda, Professor Emeritus, Tokyo University,
Executive Director, Eastern Institute
Release of the Universal Gospel (Special Issue) and speech:
His Excellency Mr. Aftab Seth , Ambassador of India
Master of Ceremonies : Prof. Kathy Matsui and Shoko Tachibori

The Programme also includes a short guided meditation and a cultural programme of
Shomyo by Shingon-shu Buzan-ha Bukkyo Seinen-kai: Leader: Setsujo Saito
Carol by Jochi Seikatai: Leader: Machiko Ohmori; Conductor: Katsuya Matsumoto
Devotional Songs by Japanese and Indian group of Tokyo.

Exhibition: Books on Hinduism, Meditation, Ramakrishna-Vivekananda in Japanese
and English; Cassettes of devotional songs; Photos; Incense sticks

Admission Charge: Free

All will be treated with a light refreshment.

About the Programme: Swami Vivekananda (1863-1902) was a prophet of Modern India.
He was a lover of humanity, a preacher of Universal Religion and a protagonist of interna-tionalism.
Both Eastern and Western savants hold Vivekananda in high esteem for his uni-versal
outlook, holistic approach and soul-stirring message. He founded the Ramakrishna
Mission, an international spiritual organisation, in 1897 with the objective of realising the
Self and serving humanity with a spirit of worship.
The purpose of the present programme is to pay tribute to the great Swami and to high-light
the various facets of his personality and deliberate on his message, which not only
helps us to solve the problems we face at different levels, but also elevates us to a higher
state of consciousness.
All, with family and friends, are cordially invited to attend!