……国をつくるのは人間だ! 国の中には何があるのか。もしきみたちが、日本人の社会道徳と政治道徳を身につけるなら、きみたちも日本人とおなじように偉大になるだろう。
Swami Vivekananda on Japan
The world has never seen such a patriotic and artistic race as the Japanese, and one special feature about them is this that while in Europe and elsewhere art generally goes with dirt, Japanese Art is Art plus absolute cleanliness. I would wish that everyone of our young men could visit Japan once at least in his life time. It is easy to go there. The Japanese think that everything Hindu is great and believe that India is a holy land.
....The Japanese are ready to sacrifice everything for their country, and they have become a great people.
....It is the men that make the country! What is there in the country? If you catch the social morality and the political morality of the Japanese you will be as great as they are.
―Swami Vivekananda
(Extracts from an interview taken by The Hindu, India,1897)