前略 過般来当地に参り、ヴィヴェーカーナンダ師に面会致し候。師は気魄学識超絶抜群、一代の名士と相見え、五天到るところ師を敬慕せざるはなし。而して、師は大乗をもって小乗に先んずるものと論じ、目下印度教は仏教より伝承せることを説き、釈尊をもって印度未曾有の教主となせり。
― 岡倉天心
A Japanese savant on Swami Vivekananda
Coming to this place recently I have met Swami Vivekananda. He is so great in spirituality and learning that he is beyond comparison. I consider him to be the greatest man of this Age. Wherever you go (in India), you will not find anyone who does not love and respect him.....
The revered Swami is a very good speaker in English. He is thoroughly conversant with both Eastern and Western learnings and has synthesized them. He teaches the Religion of Oneness.
I would like to take him to Japan along with me when I go back.
―Tenshin Okakura
(Quoted from his letter from India,written to Tokuno Oda in 1901).